Mrs. Godsey's Class

School and home work together to ensure the best possible education for your child!

My Policies
During second grade there are many things that your child will be responsible for during the week. Beginning with their Communication Folder and Behavior Calendar. These two items are key to a smooth school year. The communication folder is my first line of communication to you about your child's school life. In this folder I will send home important paper, homework, their behavior calendar and notes home. Please make sure your child shows you this folder and calendar EVERYDAY! Please intial the calendar on the current date. Your child will have colored the date to show you what kind of day they had. I will write a number on the date if your child has any other color beside green. This number corresponds to a behavior listed at the bottom of the calendar so you are aware of what happened to cause them to have a non-green day. Again I stress how important this process is, in this way I am able to commincate with you any issues your child might be having before they become a major concern.
However all this being said it is still your child's responsibilty to make sure that folder is in their book bag every day with completed homework and signed calendar. They will be responsible for checking their mailboxes at the end of the day to see if they have any papers that need to be brought home as well. For the first two to three weeks I will be reminding them, but after that they are on their own.
Behavior Calendar
Many students are forgetting their yellow folders and behavior calendars. This is a major form of communication between school and home and allows you to be able to stay aware of how your child is doing in the classroom. Please make sure you are seeing and signing the calendar every night!
In The
Upcoming Events!
Spring Break April 3-12 Return to school April 13
Please make sure your child is doing their homework every night. The only night I don't send homework home is Friday.